No, really. I'm a good boy now.
Paul Martin spent the weekend in a fireside chat with Muammar Gadhafi before flying back to Labrador for a political funeral. (A couple of quick links to stories here and here.) The two leaders supposedly discussed trade (oil), peace in Africa (obviously not resulting from actions by Libya), human rights issues (snicker), and how Gadhafi Duck is now a really, really nice guy since he gave up terrorism, abusing his citizens, and weapons of mass destruction.
As we all now, it's all about oil. Black Gold. Texas Tea. As a goop-producing member of OPEC, Libya enjoys certain level of privelege that allows other nations to overlook its various indiscretions in the fields of human rights, international relations, and general politeness. Now that Ghadafi has promised to play nice in the sandbox, should we be surprise that Martini felt the need to join the long list of free world leaders flying in their government jets with various and assorted hangers-on to visit the rehabilitated Duckster? What we should be surprised about is that it took him so long to work out that Libya has oil that it will sell to greedy western companies who will be nice to it. Or maybe Duckie is a little less full of himself than than Ralph Klein. If we can get our oil from somewhere else, we can tell Ralphie to shove his oil revenues where they've been disappearing for the last decade anyway.
After the funeral today, Paulie is heading back to Morocco on the government plane for a two-week vacation with his wife and a half dozen other Martinis. He's offered to pay $2,000 for the flight, but not the $33,000 it will supposedly cost to keep the plane on standby while he's lounging about. I have this feeling that Fearless Leader may be a frequent guest to these pages.
What a Tool.
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